Category: The Lafayette

  • The Lafayette 03-13-2015 Edition

    “A new chapter for Greek life” by Editor-in-Chief William Gordon appeared in last week’s edition of The Lafayette. The article addresses the new process the College is implementing to allow Greek organizations to apply to be recognized. The new three-part application process is an extension of the President Alison Byerly’s Connected Communities program, according to…

  • The Lafayette 05-09-2014 Edition

    “My big fat Greek renovation: DKE fraternity house undergoes major renovations” by Ian Morse ‘17 appears in this week’s edition of The Lafayette. The topic is the planned renovation of the DKE House, which is one part of the plans to commemorate DKE’s 160th Anniversary at Lafayette College along with endowing a scholarship and faculty…

  • The Lafayette 05-02-2014 Edition

    Last week’s edition of The Lafayette contains an editorial “The Greek Crossroads: Board of Trustees needs to pick a path” by Editor in Chief Michael A. Kowaleski ‘14. Mr. Kowaleski calls for the Board of Trustees to make a decision with regards to the future of fraternities and sororities at Lafayette College. I consider myself…

  • The Lafayette 03-07-2014 Edition

    Today’s edition of The Lafayette contains the article “IAGGL is landing: Report on Greek life will be released later this month” by Amelie Yeager ‘16, covering the report due to the Board of Trustees from the Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life (IAGGL – pronounced eagle). Ayala said that the IAGGL group has not…

  • The Lafayette 09-20-2013 Edition

    Today’s edition of The Lafayette contains an article about alumni expectations for President Byerly. “Alums cite athletics, Greek life as concerns” by Michael A. Kowaleski ‘14, reports the results of interviews he conducted with several Lafayette alumni. Out of seven interviews with key Lafayette alumni, six members cited Greek life, five cited social life, and…

  • The Lafayette 09-06-2013 Edition

    Today’s edition of The Lafayette, with a new online home at, contains several articles that touch on Greek Life. First up is “A New Face for an Old System” by Julia Ben-Asher ‘14, which introduces Daniel Ayala as the new Assistant Director of Residence Life and Advisor to Fraternities and Sororities. The article provides…

  • The Lafayette 08-30-2013 Edition

    Friday’s edition of The Lafayette featured the cover article “Setting up shop: Byerly discusses Greek Life” by By Michael A. Kowaleski ‘14 Editor-in-Chief. The article covers the convocation for the Class of 2017 of Lafayette College. From the article: “Many alums talk about Greek Life, et cetera [sic], and what I told them was that…

  • The Lafayette 03-22-2013 Edition

    This week’s edition of The Lafayette contains an article quoting Brother David Eckelmann ’13 as captain of the fencing team.  Fencing Hosts NCAA Regional by Ariana Giorgi ’13, discusses Lafayette College’s hosting of the Mid-Atlantic/South Regional tournament. The article goes into detail about the funding of the fencing team, which is funded as one team…

  • The Lafayette 03-01-2013 Edition

    This week’s edition of The Lafayette contains two articles about Greek Life at Lafayette College. The first covers information from the recent Winter Board of Trustees meeting and an update posted by the IAGGL chair, which DKE’s leadership reacted to in an earlier post.  The article Halfway there: Greek gpa progress promising by Julie Depenbrock…

  • The Lafayette 02-08-2013 Edition

    This week’s edition of The Lafayette continues a thread we discussed from last week’s edition in the article Prohibited: Trustees ban unrecognized Greek groups on campus by Julie Depenbrock ’13: “No student may rush, pledge, join, recruit for, participate in, perpetuate, contribute funds to, or otherwise engage in activities as an actual or prospective member…