The Lafayette 03-07-2014 Edition

Today’s edition of The Lafayette contains the article “IAGGL is landing: Report on Greek life will be released later this month” by Amelie Yeager ‘16, covering the report due to the Board of Trustees from the Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life (IAGGL – pronounced eagle).

Ayala said that the IAGGL group has not found anything regarding Greek life that should alarm the administration.

“I can report at this time, in my judgment, there is nothing on paper that would be classified as a red flag,” he said.

Ayala is hopeful that “as the…committee begins to develop its final recommendations to the Board of Trustees, whatever those end up being, it recognizes that first and foremost Fraternities and Sororities at Lafayette College contribute immensely to the mission of this institution through a variety of ways.”

This reporting aligns with progress reports to date issued by the chair of IAGGL. Read the full article for the rest of the newspaper’s coverage.


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