Hosting Transfer Complete with New Features

Our hosting transfer is complete. We’ve added RSS feeds from our students (see right sidebar), and two from Lafayette College. One is for progress reports from the Implementation and Assessment Greek Life Group IAGGL and the other is for general Greek Life news (see left sidebar). is your one-stop shop for all Lafayette College Greek Life information relevant to Rho Dekes!

We also added an RSS feed you can subscribe to with your favorite RSS reader here or by clicking on the RSS icon in the top right of the page. You’ll also notice a button up there that takes you to the Rho DKE LinkedIn Group for professional networking and development.

As part of the hosting move, we decided to archive the forums. If there is demand, we can bring them back up. We have the data offline. Since we don’t have forums, please comment on the individual articles we post here or any of our pages.

All e-mails accounts have been setup. We are still in the process of setting up the individual class mailing lists. When we setup each mailing list, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with instructions on how to use the discussion list with your classmates.


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