Category: Website

  • Hosting Transfer Complete with New Features

    Our hosting transfer is complete. We’ve added RSS feeds from our students (see right sidebar), and two from Lafayette College. One is for progress reports from the Implementation and Assessment Greek Life Group IAGGL and the other is for general Greek Life news (see left sidebar). is your one-stop shop for all Lafayette College…

  • web host transfer

    We’re in the process of transferring to a new host. Please pardon our appearance and check back soon because the transfer is almost complete!

  • New sitemap

    Following our webhost transfer, we’ve made our Sitemap available at to improve our search engine crawling.

  • Job Openings

    Several alumni have requested a way to post job opportunities for recent DKE graduates. We created a thread for this on our private forums . You’ll need to register to receive access. Make sure you answer the anti-spam question at the very bottom of the registration page. The question is “What fraternity are you a…

  • Mailing lists broken

    Our host is migrating some of our services. In the process, they neglected to migrate our mailing lists. We’ve opened a support ticket. In the meantime, no mailing lists for are functional. We apologize for the inconvenience. No FP for fungroup. Update:Mailing lists have been restored.

  • DKE Photo Gallery

    Brother Schimmel ’09 recently asked Lafayette’s archivist to scan in historical DKE photos as well as a high resolution image of our chapter crest. You can view the photo gallery here or via the navigation bar to the right. There are images of the original Rho News, our old house burning, our current house under…

  • Revamped Undergrad Website

    The undergrads have redesigned their website. You can see the current roster, campus involvement, and review some of the history of Rho at Lafayette.

  • Revamped website

    Following Homecoming this year, we aimed to improved communication among the alumni. One aspect of that effort is revamping the website and adding this blog, where we can post news announcements. If you have any problems accessing the forums, want to update your contact information, or have other general technical issues, contact Michael De Lisi…