Greek Life Metrics Feedback Requested

On March 29th, Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life (IAGGL pronounced eagle) posted its metrics for review and comment from the Lafayette Community. The announcement by the Chair is available here.

The metrics cover three of the four Board’s four objectives for Greek Life, which are described in the announcement. IAGGL is still working on the metrics for the fourth objective.

We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity offered by the College for commenting on the metrics developed by IAGGL thus far. Comments may be submitted at this link. Because comments appear to be private, we’d appreciate any comments to be reposted publicly so the entire community can know the issues raised by students, parents, alumni, and faculty. You can repost comments to Lafayette in the comments thread of this post and the LinkedIn discussion on this topic under the Lafayette Alumni LinkedIn group.

The Board’s objectives are:

  • Fraternities and sororities must facilitate demonstrated learning opportunities for students and provide benefits to the College as a whole.
  • The academic performance of students affiliated with fraternities and sororities must be comparable to the student body as a whole.
  • The disciplinary profile of members of fraternities and sororities, as well as the individual organizations, must be comparable to the student body as a whole and other student organizations.
  • Fraternities and sororities must provide open access and engagement opportunities to all students at Lafayette (non-discriminatory in selection of members).

The metrics are:

Integration with Campus Learning Opportunities (Greek organizations and students where applicable):

  • Does each Greek organization plan/host five academic programs per year?
  • Do each of the five programs meet the following criteria: open to campus, have faculty involvement, not social as primary focus, directly planned by Greek organizations, approved by the director of fraternity and sorority life, have active member participation?
  • Are Greek members actively involved in a leadership role of one non-Greek organization (total cases and ratio of leaders to membership)?

Academic Performance  (Greek students to non-Greek students, separated where possible by Greek organization and also by gender):

  • GPA 3rd semester students
  • GPA 5th semester students
  • GPA 7th semester students
  • Major distribution (numbers and ratio)
  • Academic probation (total cases and ratio)
  • EXCEL Scholar (total cases and ratio)
  • Thesis participation (total cases and ratio)
  • Departmental honors participation (total cases and ratio)
  • Study abroad participation (total cases and ratio)
  • Other honor recipients/Dean’s List (total cases and ratio)
  • Co-curricular (academic major) organization membership (total cases and ratio)
  • Internship participation (total cases and ratio)

Disciplinary Profile  (Greek students to non-Greek students where possible, separated where possible by Greek organization and also by gender):

  • Conduct probation of individuals (total cases and ratio)
  • Conduct violations (total cases and ratio))
  • Individual repeated offenses (total cases and ratio)
  • Sanctions issued
  • Administrative hearing cases by group
  • Administrative panel cases by group
  • Sexual assault Public Safety Reports (total cases)
  • COMPASS compliance


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