Greek Life Update

Lafayette College’s VP of Campus Life Annette Diorio posted an update from the Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life (IAGGL). Read the full update here.

Highlights include:

  • President Byerly’s participation at the Jan 24 meeting
  • A document for the President and Board of Trustees to be delivered in March
  • Fall grade report demonstrates strong academic performance by Greek students
  • Lower rate of conduct violations by Greeks than percentage of Greeks in the overall student population
  • An accreditation program (e.g., successor to STEPS and COMPASS) that recognizes high achievement by fraternities and sororities in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service & Philanthropy, Chapter Development, and Administrative Duties
  • A review of membership statistics

Want to know more? Read the full post.

Overall, it looks as though fraternities and sororities have met the objectives set forth by the Board of Trustees:

  • Fraternities and sororities must provide open access and engagement opportunities to all students at Lafayette (non-discriminatory in selection of members).
  • Fraternities and sororities must facilitate demonstrated learning opportunities for students and provide benefits to the College as a whole.
  • The academic performance of students affiliated with fraternities and sororities must be comparable to the student body as a whole.
  • The disciplinary profile of members of fraternities and sororities, as well as the individual organizations, must be comparable to the student body as a whole and other student organizations.


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