DKE Coverage in Lafayette Magazine Spring 2013

The Spring 2013 edition of the Lafayette Magazine provides coverage of DKE’s leadership initiatives. You can view the online edition of the Lafayette Magazine here or read the article about DKE directly here.

The article includes a quote from Andrew O’Brien ’13 as well as recognizing the contributions of our faculty advisor Richard Shupp ’67, Director of Fraternity Sorority Life Stuart Umberger, and Delta Kappa Epsilon’s leadership advisory team (Mark Fedorov ’91, John Terembula ’94, Peter Carlson ’02, Michael De Lisi ’03, Brent Souders ’11, and Jared Piette ’12).

The print version features the DKE article in between the cover story introducing Alison Byerly as Lafayette College’s next President and coverage of the Lafayette Leadership Institute. Its great to see the College paying attention and spreading the news about the contributions of our students and alumni.

Vive la DKE!


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