IAGGL Update Spring 2013

Following the recent Board of Trustees meeting, Annette Diorio, VP of Campus Life and Senior Diversity Officer, recently posted an update on IAGGL’s progress for the campus community. This update contains a link to the implementation grid, which indicates the person with primary responsibility for each implementation item to strengthen Greek Life at Lafayette College. This is a welcome update that allows the entire community to know the person responsible for each item and who we should work with to address specific areas.

The color coding highlights those items with implementation complete or partially complete, scheduled for completion with a time frame, and those items that may change prior to implementation. Touching on this last category, Annette writes:

The members of the IAGGL received information about the efforts made both by the organizations and the College to address the serious issues of high-risk alcohol use. A separate committee, formed in September, has been tasked with developing a comprehensive strategic plan related to reducing high risk alcohol use. As a result of the excellent and detailed work of the Alcohol and Other Drug Oversight Committee, some of the initial Working Group recommendations affecting Greek organizations may be amended.

Annette proceeds to highlight progress fraternities and sororities made this past year in addressing this issue in partnership with the College. Also of interest is the next IAGGL meeting will include Greg Meyer, Director of Student Development, reviewing the newly implemented training around the conduct process among other changes.

Read the full update here.


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