DKE Hosts Winter Leadership Conference

DKE is hosting our winter Leadership Conference on January 26th in the Simon Auditorium to kickoff the spring semester. The morning sessions include a presentation by student leaders on our progress on the strategic initiatives, goals, and actions plans for this year. The conference’s afternoon sessions will focus on recruitment, public relations, officer transitions and governance.

We look forward to seeing our fraternity brothers start 2013 with a great conference and hearing more about the experiences of Michael Kelley and Zach Lizmi’s experiences at FuturesQuest this winter.

You can read about their experience here and here on the College’s website.

In addition to the conference, Dr. Hannah Stewart-Gambino will meet with DKE students in the coming weeks to hear student leaders present their progress in executing the chapter’s strategic plan. She will also lead a session to help students avoid common pitfalls in implementing strategic planning.



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