Greek Life Virtual Town Hall 2/17/2012

Lafayette College hosted its first Greek Life Virtual Town Hall this afternoon. It is available for download and viewing at this link. I suggest everyone interested in Greek Life, DKE, and the progress of IAGGL (pronounced Eagle), watch and listen to the presentation. The first half hour is an overview by Dr. Celestino Limas. The second half hour is a Q&A session with a mix of pre-submitted questions and questions submitted during the virtual town hall by online participants.

The main speakers are:

  • Bob Massa – VP of Communications – “Moderator” of the town hall
  • Celestino Limas – VP of Campus Life & Senior Diversity Officer – Main speaker, Chair of IAGGL
  • Stuart Umberger – Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • Other speakers were faculty/students, who introduce themselves when they speak

This Lafayette’s first time using this technology to communicate with its alumni base and parents of students. They covered a lot of ground and this is a good opportunity for alumni to see, hear, and think about how IAGGL is approaching their work.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or opinions about the virtual town hall or IAGGL’s work, please write them in the comments section of this post or e-mail them directly to Michael De Lisi.


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