Duncan Andrews ’57 joins DKE’s Mystic Circle

A brother dead and brothers mourning
Fill the heart with grief today,
And the earnest grasp fraternal;
Speaks, “a dear one passed away.”
Yes, no longer we shall greet thee
In the halls of DKE,
Yet thy name in sweet remembrance
Graven on our hearts will be.
We have parted, Brother, parted,
As we trust, to meet again
In a full unbroken circle,
Free from sorrow, grief and pain.

Brother Duncan Andrews ’57 passed away March 17, 2011. In addition to his NYTimes Obituary, Doug Lanpher (DKE’s Executive Director) sent along the following thoughts to all Rho Dekes:

I’m very sorry to hear about Duncan passing away. He was a true gentleman and I hope you had gotten to know him. When I worked for DKE in the late 1970’s he was very helpful to me in many ways, not only helping me in the DKE job but also in teaching a kid from Ohio how to survive in New York City. He served DKE in many capacities (including President of the Board, and Executive Director), was the main contributor and editor of the 150-year history book, wrote many articles for the Quarterly, and was a worthy successor to Mike Michaels as the Rho representative on the DKE Board. I had been in touch by phone with him over the past year and sent him the newsletter and Quarterlies, and he loved hearing news about DKE, even though he could not get out and enjoy the DKE Club any more. I made sure to let him know that his chapter was doing very well, and he was pleased to hear that. He had great DKE spirit and he loved the fraternity. Rho Chapter, and DKE, has lost a true friend, and he will be missed.

In the Bonds,

Doug Lanpher


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