Disciplinary Status Tracker

The Lafayette College Student Handbook, available here, describes the procedures for adjudicating group misconduct. Here is a description of the current disciplinary status of each fraternity at Lafayette College, as communicated by the individual fraternities to DKE. This is not an official record.

Chapter Status Alcohol Free Last Off Probation Latest Violation Probation End Date
Delta Kappa Epsilon Off Probation No Spring 2008 Food Fight on 9/25/2011 October 17, 2012
Delta Upsilon Probation Yes Fall 2011 Unregistered social event April 10, 2012 September 5, 2015
Phi Kappa Psi Off Probation No October 2011 October 2011 May 7, 2012
Zeta Psi Off Probation No Unknown Unknown May 19, 2012
Disciplinary Status as of February 2013

What does Probation mean?
Lafayette’s Handbook allows the Faculty Committees and Dean of Students to tailor the definition of probation. As a result, it is rare that any two conditions of probation are the same. Ask the chapter directly if you want to know details. Frequently the conditions of probation include a monetary fine, prohibiting the chapter from co-sponsoring social events, prohibiting members from attending social events hosted by any student group, requiring educational programming, and prohibiting alcohol from the chapter house.

In the chart above, alcohol free means no alcohol is permitted in the house, even in the possession of people over 21 including faculty and staff. While this appears to be an explicit contradiction of the Campus Life policy on alcohol, which states “Lafayette’s position on the use of alcohol is not one of prohibition, but one of education and accountability,” our chapters are required to comply with the terms laid forth by Dean of Students and/or the Faculty Committees on Student Conduct even when the penalties violate Lafayette’s stated position.

Please do not attempt to bring alcohol into any of the chapter houses listed as “alcohol free” even if you are over 21.